vrijdag 9 december 2011

Empire Captain NMM (WIP)

First real attempt at painting non-metallic metal. Quite a steep learning curve, but I will get the hang of it...Eventually.

donderdag 24 november 2011

Orc Chariot

Finished!!!! Has taken me long enough. But the chariot is awesome, shame that we still have the old boars on it. Maybe I'll convert my next chariot with some of the new boars.

zondag 2 oktober 2011

Awesome Magnetic Bases

I got my magnetic bases!! They are awesome, hence the title. I ordered them in Germany (www.magnetbases.de). Really good service and fast as well. I have added some pics to demonstrate how it works.

donderdag 22 september 2011

Black Orcs DONE!!

Or at least these ten...I still have ten more to go, but this was a lot of work. I still have to do the movement tray, but I am awaiting my magnetic sheets for them. These models were great to paint, they have a lot of character. Some people don't like the cartoony style of GW Orcs, but I love 'em.

maandag 19 september 2011

Orcs & Goblins

It takes forever too get my Fantasy army done. But slowly but surely it takes shape. This is the champion of my orc boar boys unit. For now I just experimented with colours. I am pretty satisfied so far. The armour is done in the same way as that of my Black Orcs.

donderdag 8 september 2011


One of my projects from last year: The Space Marine Landspeeder. An awesome model, plus a pretty good addition in an army. I had much fun painting it, but there are still some things I might adjust. Most fun was the base, actually. One of my opponents uses this color scheme for his Necrons. The damage was my own addition :)

dinsdag 6 september 2011

First post

I have just decided to start a blog. I have a website to show all my stuff, but it is a lot of work to update it constantly. So for the sake of convenience, I will show update on this blog. Furthermore, I will try to redesign my website, because it has just become cluttered with images.

For now I am content in just showing some of my older projects.