donderdag 22 september 2011

Black Orcs DONE!!

Or at least these ten...I still have ten more to go, but this was a lot of work. I still have to do the movement tray, but I am awaiting my magnetic sheets for them. These models were great to paint, they have a lot of character. Some people don't like the cartoony style of GW Orcs, but I love 'em.

maandag 19 september 2011

Orcs & Goblins

It takes forever too get my Fantasy army done. But slowly but surely it takes shape. This is the champion of my orc boar boys unit. For now I just experimented with colours. I am pretty satisfied so far. The armour is done in the same way as that of my Black Orcs.

donderdag 8 september 2011


One of my projects from last year: The Space Marine Landspeeder. An awesome model, plus a pretty good addition in an army. I had much fun painting it, but there are still some things I might adjust. Most fun was the base, actually. One of my opponents uses this color scheme for his Necrons. The damage was my own addition :)

dinsdag 6 september 2011

First post

I have just decided to start a blog. I have a website to show all my stuff, but it is a lot of work to update it constantly. So for the sake of convenience, I will show update on this blog. Furthermore, I will try to redesign my website, because it has just become cluttered with images.

For now I am content in just showing some of my older projects.