woensdag 4 januari 2012

Infinity - First look

Som time ago I saw some of the models on Beasts of war's Infinity week. Although I liked the models, I still had too much to do on my 40k army and I was just starting up WHFB 8th edition, including my brandspanking new O&G army.

But a few weeks ago Infinity peaked my interest again. Mike Dunn was back on Bluetablepainting, discussing Infinity as his tabletop game of choice at this moment. Shawn got him to do a introduction batrep as well.

Long story short, I went to my lgs to get a model. All the rules are free downloads from the Infinity website. There is an army list builder and full gallery of all the models.

I chose an army, Haqqislam, based purely on estethics. I don't know the game yet so everything I do is based on the looks of the models. I picked up a Haqqislam Djanbanzan Hacker and started to mess around with it.

First and foremost, 28mm and 28mm Heroic are worlds apart in size. This model is really tiny, but at the same time a nice break from hordes of Orcs. Challenging yet fun. Here are the first pictures.